
Facial contour revision surgery : Jayjun Plastic Surgery KOREA

 Facial contour revision surgery :  J ayjun Plastic Surgery KOREA While a smooth and slim facial shape emerges quickly as an standard of beauty, angular and flat faces can become one's complex. Many people are considering having facial contour, or have already done facial contour, in order to improve the facial shape. We can improve the bumpy and over-developed facial bone into a small, soft and well-defined facial shape by doing osteotomy and trimming the face smoothly. Therefore, many people look for facial contour, in other words, cheekbone reduction, square jaw reduction or jaw reduction. Although it is popular as a surgery that can eliminate the complex and improve functional problems like dysmasesis, surgery that excessively resects the facial bones or does not fit the facial balance may cause side effects such as unnatural facial shapes or nerve damage. Therefore, although there are many people who are satisfied with the facial contour, there are people who are considering

Rhinoplasty for a bulbous tip : JAYJUN PLASTIC SURGERY KOREA #bulboustiprhinoplasty

 Rhinoplasty for a bulbous tip :  JAYJUN PLASTIC SURGERY KOREA S ince a long time ago, nose shape with a thick and blunt nose tip is being called a bulbous nose. As the bone of a bulbous nose is not obvious, and the fat is thick, people saw bulbous nose as a good meaning. People thought that bulbous nose is similar with a luck bag, and thought that it can bring wealth. However, as the blunt nose tip and chubby alar can make one’s impression look rough and rustic, recently, more and more people want to change their image into a more well-defined feeling. That's because the nose is located in the center of the face and has a great influence on one’s image. Maybe that’s why bulbous tip rhinoplasty is becoming more popular, and more and more people visit our hospital and ask about the surgery method that can improve their bulbous noses.  In order to improve the rustic bulbous nose into a well-defined nose, first of all, it is important for you to find out which type of bulbous nose you

Facial Contour Surgery Aftercare : As Important as The Surgery Itself

 Facial Contour Surgery Aftercare  : As Important as The Surgery Itself When we first meet others, although facial features like clear eyes, sharp nose and thick lip are also important factors in determining our image, I think facial shape is also important. Of course, there is a tendency to value individual personality, when the square jaw or cheekbone protrudes severely, the impression will usually look kitsch and fierce, so this kind of facial shape sometimes becomes a complex of many people. Therefore, people who had a complex with protruding cheekbones or angled square jaws often consider facial contour surgery. Most of the people who consider having contour surgery are curious about the swelling after facial contour. In particular, I think it is because facial contour surgery has a larger surgical site than other surgeries, and it also involves bone-cutting surgery. Of course, there are individual differences depending on the surgical site and surgical method, but you should know

#Malethreadlift ; Silhouette soft that lifts and fill the sagging skin.

  Male thread lift,  Silhouette soft that lifts and fill the sagging skin. Recently, men who are willing to spend time and money in fashion and beauty are being called as "grooming tribe”. “Grooming tribe” first appeared in the United States and has emerged as a trend around the world. They do not simply just consume on make-up products or clothes, but in order to make the stretched skin caused by aging become elastic again, they are also becoming more interested in lifting procedures, which can improve lip wrinkles, sagging cheek and smile lines. In the past, for lifting procedures, only middle-aged people who got decreased skin elasticity and reduced subcutaneous fat thickness were interested in lifting procedure, but recently, there is a trend that lifting is also popular among young men who want to have an elastic skin which makes people look younger.  In particular, when preparing for "no mask" from outdoor to indoor like these days, “grooming tribe”are no exception

Jayjun Agnes laser, a treatment that is effective in treating recurring acnes.

JAYJUN Agnes laser, a treatment that is effective in treating recurring acnes. In these days, people need to wear masks for a long time, which causes skin problems like redness and protruding pimples, and many people are stressed out due to that. Although temporary skin trouble is a common skin disease that every one should have experienced at least once, if you squeeze the acne that repeatedly appears and disappears in certain areas, excessively or touch them with dirty hands or tools, it can often leave scars or widen the pores. Therefore, many people try various methods to get rid of the acnes, but the acnes often get improved and reoccur again repeatedly, so many people send inquiries to our hospital. Therefore, in this post, I would like to introduce the reasons of the repeated reoccurrence of acnes, and a method that can get rid of them effectively, Agnes laser.  Q. What are the causes of acne formation?  Acne occurs when pores are clogged while there is excessive secretion of se

Reasons why the nose bridge becomes wider after having nose filler injection and the solution

  ➤ Reasons why the nose bridge becomes wider after having nose filler injection and the solution People who have a sharp nose line that extends from the nose bridge to the tip of the nose often look modern and well-defined. On the other hand, if the nose bridge is too low or the nostrils are wide, the impression may look dull and negative, which can become a complex. Therefore, people who want to look well-defined often make various efforts, for example, using make-up to do deep contouring and thick highlighting on the face, or do simple operations like filler injection to make the low nose bridge look higher or make the wide nostrils look narrower. However, in the case of using make-up to give shadow on the nose bridge, it takes a lot of time every day, and there will be a limitation in creating a desirable nose line. Moreover, in the case of using filler, the filler will be absorbed after the operation, so the sharp nose shape will be fail to maintain. Also, the filler will graduall

Timing and effect of facelift revision surgery!

 Timing and effect of facelift revision surgery! R ecently, as the average age of people increases, there are more and more people who want to maintain their appearance to look younger than their actual ages for a longer time. Maybe that’s why Facelift, a surgery that is well-known as an anti-aging lifting surgery, is becoming more and more popular among middle-age group. In Facelift, it pulls the skin surface tissue by stages in a level that matches the skin aging level of the SMAS layer (Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System), a thin fascia that is located deep inside the skin, and then fix it. It is a surgery method that can improve the expression wrinkles all over the face and the drooping skin elasticity together at the same time. While Facelift is becoming more popular, the number of people who are considering revision surgery is also increasing. That’s because there are many people who want to have further improvement, as their skin still sags and the wrinkles could not be impr