Korea's Gliding Brow Lifting(Net Lifting), Capable of Improving Sagging Eyebrows and Forehead Wrinkles Simultaneously!
K orea's Gliding Brow Lifting (Net Lifting), Capable of Improving Sagging Eyebrows and Forehead Wrinkles Simultaneously! T he appearance changes due to aging that one experiences as they get older seems to be a very natural phenomenon. While some people may not feel any significant changes due to this aging process, others experience noticeable wrinkles and a decrease in skin elasticity. In reality, skin aging progresses a little bit every day, but it often takes a considerable amount of time to accumulate enough changes to notice. Therefore, it's not uncommon for people to fail to recognize the speed of aging and then suddenly discover an aged face, causing stress. Especially, if the wide area of the forehead, which accounts for a third of the face, sags or deep wrinkles settle due to aging, it cannot help but be bothersome. The muscles that move the forehead and the eyelids work in conjunction with each other. Therefore, if deep wrinkles start to form on the forehead, the...