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Showing posts with the label #Precautionsafterrhinoplasty #Rhinoplastykorea

Precautions after rhinoplasty: Check out at Jayjun!(#Precautionsafterrhinoplasty #Rhinoplastykorea)

 Precautions after rhinoplasty : Check out at Jayjun! Appearance is considered a specification, so in the modern world, more and more people think that having a good appearance is a kind of competitiveness. Therefore, more and more people undergo plastic surgery. Especially because blepharoplasty and rhinoplasty are considered relatively simple operations, many people undergo them. However, because people think they are simple and easy surgeries, side effects are often caused by neglect of postoperative management. In order to improve inferiority complex and appearance, many people choose to have plastic surgery. However, due to improper postoperative management, there are many cases of reoperation. Therefore, Jayjun will tell people who plan to undergo rhinoplasty or who have already undergone rhinoplasty the precautions after rhinoplasty. 👉Precautions after rhinoplasty Since the nose swells more on the second to third days after the operation than on the day of the operation, yo...