The method for multiple eyelids surgery is different depending on the eye condition. Eyes can said to be an important factor largely affecting one’s image. If the eyelids are thick, you look having difficulty in opening the eyes, or there are multiple folds on the upper eyelid, you may look older than your actual age, or you may look stuffy. Moreover, if it is hard for you to move your eyelids freely, or the upper eyelid cannot be fully opened, you may probably feel stressed because of it. Multiple eyelids can be caused by various reasons. For people who get multiple folds on the upper eyelid when they wake up in the morning which disappear in the afternoon, it may happen because they have deep hollow eyes by nature, or because the amount of fat around the eyes decreases and the fat is loosens due to aging. In addition, if the problem of multiple folds only happens on one eye, the image of the right and left eyes will be very different, so many people may be unhappy and anx...
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