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Showing posts with the label #JayjunPlasticSurgery #UnevenEye #EyeAsymmetry

Eye Asymmetry Surgery and Treatment [Jayjun Plastic Surgery Korea]

 Eye Asymmetry Surgery and Treatment    [Jayjun Plastic Surgery Korea]  The 'eyes' may be the first feature that catches attention in a person's appearance. In communication, our gaze naturally gravitates to the eyes, so many people with notably asymmetrical eyes experience this as a cosmetic complex and express stress. Therefore, individuals often visit Jayjun Plastic Surgery to seek medical help and surgical methods to improve such Asymmetry Eye.  Those who come to our institution for uneven eyes often do so due to a variety of cases that cause their eyes to appear mismatched. For example, eyes may appear mismatched if the height of the double eyelid lines is different on each side, if only one eye has a double eyelid line, if the degree of exposure of the pupils is different, or if the extent to which the Mongolian fold covers the inner corner of the eye is different. Additionally, differences in the depression or protrusion of the eyes, such a...