
Showing posts with the label #SunkenEyelid #Eyelidfatgrafting #eyefatgrafting

Fat grafting makes eyelids full of vitality (#SunkenEyelid #Eyelidfatgrafting #eyefatgrafting )

Fat grafting makes eyelids full of vitality  As we age, the skin loses its elasticity. As a result, the eyelids become sunken, giving a sluggish impression, or making us look older than our actual age. Especially the upper eyelid is an active part where is easy to be noticed by others, so if our eyelids are sunken, we will look tired or look older than our actual age. Sunken Eyelid is a phenomenon that many people suffer from regardless of gender. Most sunken eyelids are caused by the fact that the muscles that support the fat around the eyes sag with age, causing the fat to move downward. With age, sunken eyelids is a phenomenon that can happen to anyone, but many people feel pressured because they look lifeless and haggard because of it. The already formed sunken eyelids sometimes get worse over time. Even if you lose a little weight, it will look more severely sunken or deformed very sensitively according to changes in your body, so it needs improvement. However, there are many caus