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Showing posts with the label #lateralCanthoplasty #lowerCanthoplasty #Canthoplasty #jayjun

Canthoplasty in korea : lateral/lower Canthoplasty surgery

➤ Canthoplasty in korea : lateral/lower Canthoplasty  surgery   Rising eye tail is one of the famous characteristics that Asians have, and it gives a fierce and strong image in many times. In today's modern society, where people think that individuality is important, although many people think that upturned eyes are charming, as a pair of sharp and fierce eyes can give a overly strong image to others when we are facing other people, there are many people who are worried about it. Therefore, there are people who try to use make up to lower the narrow upturned eye tails, which they think is a shortcoming. However, if the original eye size is small and the eye tail is upturned, it often does not show much effect even if we put on make-up. Therefore, there are more and more people who want to correct it with lateral/lower Canthoplasty, which is a well know surgery to lower the eye tails.  For Canthoplasty surgery, we often perform lower Canthoplasty in which the eye tails are...