Knowing the cause of contracted nose revision rhinoplasty It is no exaggeration to say that plastic surgery is now popular as a method of managing appearance. Among them, the eyes and nose are the popular parts that many people undergo plastic surgery. Especially, since the nose is located in the center of the face, the shape and height of the nose are important, so many people will undergo rhinoplasty. However, just as the proportion of people undergoing rhinoplasty is high, so is the proportion of #revisionrhinoplasty . There are many reasons for reoperation, depending on the condition of the patient’s nose. For example, symptoms such as inflammation, contractures, etc. persist, or the patient is not satisfied with the height or shape of the nose after surgery. In particular, many people who come to Jayjun for consultation is because of the #contractednose caused by the previous rhinoplasty. For these people, before performing revision rhinoplasty for c...
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