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Showing posts with the label #NaturalAdhesionMethod # BlepharoplastyinKorea #DoubleEyelidSurgery #EyelidSurgery

Blepharoplasty in Korea : Natural Adhesion Method (#NaturalAdhesionMethod # BlepharoplastyinKorea)

Blepharoplasty in Korea : Natural Adhesion Method   Natural, clear and lively eyes have recently become a beauty trend. A few years ago, people still liked deep double eyelids, but now they prefer inner double eyelids or single eyelids, and they especially like natural double eyelids. Nowadays, people prefer eyes that look like their original eyes, as if they have not had any surgery, rather than the very obvious double eyelids. For those who feel incision method is burdensome, those who want natural eyes, and those whose eyelids are not thick and not drooping, if you read the reviews of Jayjun's Natural Adhesion Method, you will see many satisfactory reviews saying that there is no obvious trace even after they close their eyes and there are almost no scars and swelling. In addition, its recovery period is very short so patients can quickly return to daily life. Therefore, many busy modern people prefer it recently. Natural adhesion is done by making fine holes to remove the ...