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Sub-brow Blepharoplasty for Upper Eyelid Rejuvenation

 Sub-brow Blepharoplasty for Upper Eyelid Rejuvenation As we age, due to the natural aging process, our skin loses its elasticity, leading to sagging. Especially, the skin around the eyes, which is thinner and moves more than other areas, tends to sag easily due to aging. This weakening of muscles and ligaments causes the eyes to appear smaller and gives a congested impression. Moreover, with the dry weather like nowadays, when the skin becomes dry, the aging process accelerates, leading to easier sagging and the formation of fine lines around the eyes. The problem is, once these wrinkles and sagging occur, they're not easily improved even with various home care efforts, making them a significant concern. This is because severe eyelid sagging or wrinkles around the eyes often make one look much older than their actual age. Hence, many people look into upper eyelid surgery, commonly known as middle-aged eye surgery, to address this. Eyelid sagging due to aging cannot be easily addre

How to Ensure No Scars Remain after Male Facelift Surgery

  How to Ensure No Scars Remain after Male Facelift Surgery W ith the rise in average age in modern society, appearing youthful has become a competitive edge in terms of looks. As people age, due to aging, the skin sags, the jawline weakens, nasolabial folds deepen, and "Indian bands" form between the eyes and cheeks. Furthermore, when wrinkles form on the neck, it gives an aged impression. Especially nowadays, with the increase in social activities among middle-aged people, both women and men are actively investing in cosmetic procedures to maintain a youthful and attractive appearance for a longer time. Among these middle-aged groups, a prominent anti-aging cosmetic procedure to maintain a youthful appearance is the facelift. Typically, as aging appears with age and is influenced by gravity causing various facial tissues to sag, the facelift is an anti-aging procedure that pulls up these sagged tissues, smoothens wrinkles, and restores the skin to its former elasticity. Thi

Causes and Treatment of Nasolabial Folds [Jayjun Plastic Surgery in Korea]

 Causes and Treatment of Nasolabial Folds  [Jayjun Plastic Surgery in Korea] Interest in maintaining a youthful appearance has consistently been high, both in the past and in the present. A face that looks younger than one's age often gives a bright and positive impression, which can significantly impact social interactions. Commonly, a youthful-looking face is characterized by a fullness of volume and the absence of sagging or wrinkles. However, as everyone ages, they experience the phenomena of aging, leading to reduced skin elasticity, sagging areas, and gradually appearing wrinkles, all of which can become increasingly bothersome. Of course, some may consider shallow wrinkles or minor sagging as natural signs of aging. However, when the area next to the nose sags or when the nasolabial folds deepen into an 'eight' shape, it gives the impression of looking much older than one's actual age, which can become a complex. When these nasolabial folds occur, they often beco

Appropriate Genioplasty methods for types like broad jaw, shovel jaw, and no-jaw [JAYJUN plastic surgery in korea]

 Appropriate Genioplasty methods for types like broad jaw, shovel jaw, and no-jaw  [JAYJUN plastic surgery in korea] E ven if people have similar facial features, the impression they give can vary greatly depending on their facial shape. In reality, even if individual features such as the eyes, nose, and mouth are beautiful, if the overall face is large and angular, it often doesn't harmonize well, which can be disappointing. Thus, recently, there has been growing interest in contour surgery that can transform the face into a smaller and sharper shape, just as with other facial parts. Especially, as more people desire a sleek V-line jaw, many are looking into Genioplasty.  If the length of the chin tip is excessively long compared to the overall contour, it gives an aged or strong impression. If it's too short, it gives an unclear feel. Hence, many want to improve these aspects to achieve an ideal proportion through Genioplasty. Such Genioplasty can be described as an effective

What's the Difference Between Natural Adhesion and the Non-Incision Method?

👉What's the Difference Between Natural Adhesion and the Non-Incision Method? T he eyes might very well be the part of our body that directly captures our genuine emotions. Being the first thing we notice when meeting someone, the eyes play a significant role in defining one's image. Even a slight difference can greatly elevate a person's charm. Thus, having small or narrow eyes can become a complex for some. W ith the changing perception of medical intervention, and the potential advantages one can gain in social and personal relationships after plastic surgery, more and more people are considering double eyelid surgery to improve their appearance. Typically, double eyelid surgery refers to the process of transmitting the force from the levitating muscle or tarsal plate to create a crease in the skin. The way this force is transmitted can result in variations in the size and shape of the double eyelid line. The methods can be divided into incision techniques, where the eye

Making Angular Face Shapes Smoother with Korean Cheekbone Reduction Surgery!

  Making Angular Face Shapes Smoother with Korean Cheekbone Reduction Surgery! A good first impression and a soft image generally have positive effects in various situations. Such a good first impression and soft demeanor often come from well-balanced facial features like eyes, nose, and mouth. However, what's equally important in shaping one's image are facial contours, particularly the jaw and cheekbones. Among these, if the cheekbones located at the center of the face are too protruding, even well-defined features can't prevent an angular and rugged appearance. Such pronounced cheekbones are commonly found among East Asians.  In cases where the cheekbones are excessively prominent, the face often appears broader and may give off an intense or harsh impression, becoming a point of insecurity for some. Generally, the cause of such protruding cheekbones is not muscle or fat tissue but rather the bone structure itself, or sometimes a congenital condition where the cheekbones

Droopy & Sagging Eyebrows [ Causes & Treatments ] Jayjun Plastic Surgery

Droopy & Sagging Eyebrows | Causes & Treatments | Jayjun Plastic Surgery Eyes play an important role in determining the first impression. The distance between the eyes and eyebrows is as important as the shape and appearance of the eyes. Especially because the eyes and eyebrows interact with each other, the shape, angle, and distance of the eyebrows can completely change the atmosphere, greatly affecting the impression. While the shape and angle of the eyebrows can be improved simply by trimming and drawing, it's not easy to improve when the distance between the eyes and eyebrows is narrow. Especially for women, if the distance between the eyes and eyebrows is too close, it may look strong or fierce, and drooping eyebrows can often look gloomy, leading to complexes. Generally, women consider the ideal horizontal length of the eye and the distance between the eyes and eyebrows to be 1:1 in eyebrow position and height, so during relatively young ages, the distance between the