forehead lift using threads : for Wrinkles and Sagging!
Our facial skin undergoes the aging process where it gradually sags from top to bottom due to gravity as we age. This aging process leads to a decrease in elasticity and a reduction in the production of elastic proteins such as collagen and elastin, resulting in the formation of wrinkles on the face. It can also cause drooping eyelids, giving a suffocating appearance or creating unevenness on the face. Especially in the case of the forehead and eyelids, which have thin skin and frequent movement, aging occurs earlier compared to other areas, causing easy sagging. Generally, forehead wrinkles are formed by the contraction and relaxation of the frontalis muscle, which is wide and thin. These forehead wrinkles are prominent and often become more noticeable when we frequently exert force on the forehead or have incorrect lifestyle habits, frown, or raise eyebrows.
In such cases, the muscles of the eyebrows may develop, giving a fierce impression, and it can also manifest as drooping eyebrows or sagging at the outer corners of the eyes. It can make the eyelids and forehead wrinkles appear older than the actual age and sometimes create a melancholic image, causing stress.
However, unfortunately, reversing facial wrinkles that have already formed is not an easy task. That's why many people try various methods such as fillers, Botox, and lifting procedures to improve the appearance. The reason is that drooping eyelids and forehead wrinkles have a significant impact on forming one's image, and improving just these areas can make a significant difference in one's appearance.
However, it is a reality that prominent and deep wrinkles in the glabella or forehead are difficult to improve with fillers or Botox. In cases where you want to simultaneously improve these prominent forehead wrinkles and drooping eyelids, a forehead thread lift procedure using medical threads can be helpful. In this post, we will introduce the effectiveness of forehead lift using threads.
What is forehead lift using threads?
forehead lift using threads is a procedure that uses threads to improve forehead wrinkles, sagging eyebrows, and hidden double eyelid lines simultaneously. Through 2-5 tiny incisions along the hairline, the forehead is dissected, and the sagging forehead tissues, forehead and glabella wrinkles, drooping eyebrows and eyelids are lifted overall through thread suspension.
Furthermore, using a full HD endoscope, a small incision is made inside the hairline through 2 to 5 incision points after sleep or local anesthesia, special threads are inserted, and the sagging areas are lifted, resulting in a natural and refreshing improvement. In addition, since the incisions are made inside the hairline, the incision sites are concealed by the hairline after the forehead lift, minimizing visible scars and reducing concerns about scarring.
Moreover, by using an endoscope during the surgery, the positions of blood vessels, nerves, and tissues can be observed in real-time, ensuring safety and achieving a higher level of accuracy in the lifting effect. Additionally, the use of dissolvable threads allows for a lifting effect without the need for thread removal, and patients can resume their daily activities on the same day. These advantages have led to an increasing interest in Forehead lift using threads, even among younger individuals.
The forehead lift, provides an effect of lifting and improving the appearance of sagging eyebrows, forehead wrinkles caused by aging or brow ptosis, and frown lines that make one look gloomy. This procedure is especially effective for individuals who have a narrow and gloomy-looking forehead with deep wrinkles, weak eyelid opening strength, and a narrow gap between the eyes and eyebrows.
To maximize the effects of the forehead lift, it is important to perform a wide dissection from the temporoparietal area to the corrugator and procerus muscles. By partially excising the suspensory ligaments and corrugator muscles that hold the sagging forehead, it is possible to prevent recurrence and enhance the forehead lift effect.
In addition, even for the same procedure, it is necessary to accurately assess and understand individual differences in muscles, fat, skin condition, and skeletal structure based on a comprehensive understanding of the face. The forehead contains abundant nerves and muscles used for facial expressions, as well as blood vessels passing through, making it essential to have experience with various cases and rich clinical experience, as well as to consult thoroughly with skilled medical professionals experienced in endoscopic techniques before making a decision about the surgery.
If you have further questions about the forehead lift, suspensory ligaments, pain, swelling, or if you would like to make an appointment, please use the banner below to contact our clinic for real-time consultation and reservation.
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