➤ About autologous Rib Cartilage Rhinoplasty
To raise the nose, we need various prostheses. If we look at the prosthesis being used in the nose surgery, firstly, there are artificial implants like silicon or gore-tex, then, there are autologous cartilage like nasal septal cartilage, ear cartilage or autologous Rib cartilage, and lastly, there are standard prosthesis like donated cartilage or donated dermis.
These days, number of people who want to make an ideal nose shape naturally by using autologous cartilage, but not artificial prosthesis, in another word, silicon or gore-tex, is increasing, so people’s interest towards the nose plastic surgeries that use the autologous costal cartilage is increasing. However, many people feel burdensome when part of their ribs needs to be collected. Therefore, in this post, I will tell you about when do we need to use autologous Rib cartilage, and the characteristics of it in order to make an ideal nose shape.
⧭What is autologous Rib Cartilage Rhinoplasty?
The meaning of the autologous in the word “autologous Rib cartilage’ means the things inside of one’s own body. So if we use autologous costal cartilage to do the surgery, as the cartilage in the inner part of the rib bones is being collected from the patient’s own body and being used, the body rejection is small and the biocompatibility is better. Therefore, autologous costal cartilage is being used when we need to raise the nose more naturally. Moreover, as the amount of the collectable costal cartilage is more than other autologous cartilage, and it has strong strength and supporting power, we can say that it is a good ingredient. In addition, usually, for other nose plastic surgeries, after the surgery, when time passes, the supporting power will become weaker and the phenomenon of the nose sagging may happen, but surgery using the autologous Rib cartilage brings less above phenomenon. Due to these reasons, there are many people who want to raise the nose by using autologous Rib cartilage.
⧭Situation in which we need to use autologous Rib cartilage in order to raise the nose!
For Rib cartilage, although the amount of cartilage in the ribs is large, we do not use autologous Rib cartilage in all cases to raise the nose. In general, although we can also use nasal septal cartilage or ear cartilage which are easy to collect to raise the nose, if these kinds of cartilages that the patient has are small or thin inherently, or the amount of the cartilages that can be used in the nose plastic surgery is not large, we may need to use the costal cartilage. In other words, for situations in which autologous Rib cartilage is being used in nose plastic surgery, there are many cases in which it is being used in reoperation of the nose as it can relieve the side effects brought by the previous surgery. Other than that situation, if we do the augmentation by using the nasal septal cartilage when the nasal septal cartilage is too small or it is seriously bent, or when it is too thin or weak, the nose can bend. Therefore, in this kind of case, costal cartilage will be being used too. As such, in the case of autologous Rib cartilage, sufficient amount of cartilage to be used in raising the nose can be collected, so it can be used naturally even when the patient’s nose shape is a contracted nose or cleft lip.
In the past, autologous costal cartilage was usually used in the cases when there is limitation, and reconstruction is needed to be done as the nose broke seriously and there is cartilage damage due to traffic accident. However, recently, thanks to the development of medicine, autologous Rib cartilage is being used when we want to improve the pillar a little bit more and adjust the bent nose like what I have mentioned earlier. It is being used in more different ways and the usage of it has become common.
⧭Characteristics of autologous Rib cartilage Rhinoplasty
autologous Rib Cartilage Rhinoplasty is a cartilage located under the rib bones, so it is an ingredient with strong supporting power and durability. As a result, not only can it raise the low nose strongly, if we use it, the nose shape can be maintained for a long period of time without sagging, which is its characteristics. However, due to the nature of the autologous Rib cartilage, bending may occur over time after nose surgery. In order to avoid it, the surgery results may vary depending the direction of insert and the method of insert. Also, although the area of the incision being done when we collect the costal cartilage is very small, depending on the skills of the doctors that can minimize the scars being left, the result of the surgery can be different.
So far, I have talked about the situations in which we need to use the About autologous Rib Cartilage Rhinoplasty and the characteristics of it in order to make an ideal nose shape. The condition and shape of the inside of the nose are inevitably different for each person, so the most important thing is to choose the right method. It is desirable for you to decide whether which ingredient and what method should be used in the surgery by having sufficient consultation with medical team with medical knowledge and rich experience. If you are considering having nose surgery with About autologous Rib Cartilage to make an ideal nose shape, you should also check carefully if the hospital is a place that can meet your needs, and a place that can suggest a suitable solution to you after examining your present nose condition accurately with scrupulous technology.
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