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Create an ideal nose line through alar reduction surgery

๐Ÿ‘‰ Create an ideal nose line through alar reduction surgery๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

 When we talk about the image that people usually like, in most of the time, we will say it’s the face in which the eyes, nose, mouth and facial contour are in a right ratio. I think it is because the right ratio is one of the factors that can sense of stability in which the face looks balanced. For the thing so called balance, if the right ratio of the face and the correlation of the surrounding tissues are in a good harmony, we usually call this kind of face as a stable and likeable face. 

 For example, people usually say that for a balanced face with a right ratio, from the hair line to the eyebrows, the area where the nose meets the philtrum, and the end of the chin should be in a 1:1:1 ratio. This is a balanced face based on the standard of Westerners, and for Asian, 1:1:08 is said to be a ratio that is likeable and gives the sense of stability. In particular, I think that the ratio of nose, a area that takes up a lot of proportion when we look at the face from the front, is an important point in here. When we talk about an ideal nose line, the width of the central axis of the nose bridge should go down straight to the tip of the nose and the alar should not spread out, in this case, the nose can be said as ideally balanced. However, for the situation of Asian, Asian usually have wide nostrils and thick alar, which does not match the balance of the face and gives an image which is not well-defined. As a result, recently, there is a trend that people are more and more interested in alar reduction surgery, which reduces the wide nostrils and thick alar. I think the reason is that if this alar reduction surgery is being used properly, it is possible to improve the nose into a proper shape and width that matches the face, and a well-defined image can be emphasised. 

Alar reduction surgery can be performed in a non-incisional method, in which the skin at the boundary between the nose and the cheek is not being resected, but being tied by a special thread through the inside of the nose without incision. It can also be performed in a method in which the bottom part of the alar is being outer-incised, and it can also be performed in an inner-incisional method. For surgery in which the alar is being reduced through a non-incisional method, as threads are being used in the inside of the nostrils, it is a method in which the size of the alar can be reduced from the inside without any worries about scarring. On the other hand, for the surgery with incision, in the case when the skin if the alar is thick, the size of the alar can be reduced through outer-incision of the alar, while in the case when only the bottom of the nostrils are wide, areas that touch the lower part of the nose inside the nostrils are being incised through an inner-incision, the horizontal width of the alar and nostrils is being reduced, and we can expect an reducing effect in uniform standard in which scars will not be seen while a detailed shape of the nose is being created. 

 This is a surgery that is suitable for those whose alar are wide, spreading out and blunt, or those whose alar are still wide even they had received a nose job, and those who want to improve their nose line to a slim and defined nose line naturally through alar fixation. However, even if you have a nose shape with wide spreading alar, the fact is that the size of nostrils or the thickness of alar are all different for different people. For people who are considering having alar reduction, as many of them are having over-developed nose alar cartilage, or their alar cartilages are spreading out horizontally, or they have a lot of subcutaneous fat and thick skin, so it is better to consider the situation and choose to have a surgery which is suitable for the situation. In other words, in the situation in which the alar cartilage is spreading horizontally, we should do the surgery in a way that gathers and ties the alar cartilage, and in the situation in which there are a lot of subcutaneous fat and the skin is thick, the appropriate way is to properly remove part of the fat of the nose tip, reduce the nose tip and improve the shape. 

In case of indiscriminate alar reduction is done, not only will the shape of the alar be awkward looking like a clothespin, it can be inconvenient functionally too. Therefore, we should not think that it will be okay if we simply reduce the size, but we need to carefully examine the base width, thickness, and shape of the nose, which are the main reasons for a wide alar before having the surgery. 

In addition, if the nose bridge is low and the alar and nostrils are large, in the case in which the nose alar cartilage is excessively developed, other than reducing the overall weight of the nose, it is also necessary to have nose job together or have nose surgery in a way in which the cartilage of the nose tip is being gathered. 

Therefore, in order to create an ideal face balance, if you consider various factors like the height of the nose bridge and nose tip, area surrounding the nose and nostrils line, and choose a surgery that suits you through 1:1 detailed consultation with a medical staff with extensive anatomical knowledge of the nose, you can expect an effective and satisfying result.


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