Understanding the surgery for rhinitis
Recently, people suffering from chronic rhinitis complained of discomfort due to seasonal changes with a large daily temperature difference.
The nasal septum is a wall perpendicular to the center of the nose and divides the nostril in two. If this important septum is bent in one direction, the size of the hole inside the nose will inevitably change, which is called septal deviation.
When there is septal deviation, the narrower nostril will inevitably be blocked, causing problems such as rhinitis, sinusitis and even more serious breathing difficulties. In order to improve this, surgery for rhinitis is required.
Since nasal obstruction and rhinitis are common in modern people, many people do not know whether the functional problems of the nose are caused by the problem of nasal septum.
If you do nothing, more symptoms will appear. The more severe the nasal obstruction caused by the septal deviation, the more oxygen cannot be properly supplied to the brain, which may cause headaches. Even if you fall asleep, you cannot sleep well. Therefore, your daily life will be affected.
Therefore, if you self-diagnose yourself with these problems, it is recommended to consider surgery for rhinitis due to structural problems within the nose.
There are many ways to improve rhinitis, but the most important thing is to accurately diagnose the various shapes of the nasal septum and the degree of facial asymmetry. Since it is not possible to accurately determine the structural problems inside the nose only from the appearance, it is necessary to use the latest equipment to conduct a thorough examination and to have full consultation with medical experts with medical knowledge of rhinoplasty. If you only consider the shape of the nose and other aesthetic factors without carefully examining the inside of the nose, please proceed with caution, because in this case, rhinitis or nasal congestion may not be improved or may even worsen after the surgery.
In addition, the surgical method will vary according to whether the nose is deformed. If the nose is bent or the bridge of the nose is sunken, surgery will be performed to improve the both problems (rhinitis and appearance); if the bridge of the nose is too low, the autologous cartilage obtained during the surgery for rhinitis can be used to raise the bridge of the nose.
In addition, nasal septal cartilage is a good material for raising the tip of the nose in rhinoplasty. Generally, artificial implants are used for nasal tip surgery, but cartilage obtained by correcting the septal deviation is a good material which can raise the tip of nose easily without using artificial implants. Therefore, it has the advantage that rhinitis treatment and nasal tip surgery can be performed at the same time.
Surgery for rhinitis can not only correct the curved part of cartilage, but also correct asymmetric nasal cartilage, so it can improve the functional and aesthetic factors at the same time. In this way, surgery for rhinitis provides many satisfactory results. However, in surgery for chronic rhinitis, if the wrong choice is made, the possibility of recurrence will increase.
Generally, if the curvature of the nasal septum is small, surgery is performed to remove only the protrusion without osteotomy. In addition, cartilage grafts, dermal fat grafts, or implants can be used to correct the sunken area relatively simply.
However, depending on the severity of the septal deviation or whether it is accompanied by other nasal diseases, the surgical method may be different. Therefore, you should seek medical advice to find the best surgical method for you.
Rhinoplasty requires careful examination and consultation with medical staff to find a suitable surgical method. In addition, it is necessary to carefully check whether the hospital systematically conducts postoperative management to ensure that the rhinitis can be treated while improving the appearance at the same time.
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