Let's regain your confidence in a hospital that does eye revision surgery well (#EyeRevisionSurgery #RevisionDoubleEyelidSurgery)
Let's regain your confidence in
a hospital that does eye revision surgery well
The reasons why it's important to choose a hospital that does Eye Revision Surgery well!
There are many reasons for Eye Revision Surgery, but the most common reasons are dissatisfaction and side effects. Revision double eyelid surgery or eyelid revision surgery are mostly done for cosmetic purposes. Eye Revision Surgery should be able to accurately diagnose the cause of the failure of the previous surgery and solve the problem by correctly deciding the appropriate surgical method. For this reason, you need to receive careful consultation from a surgeon with extensive experience in blepharoplasty at a hospital that does Eye Revision Surgery well to prevent another reoperation. Patients are only approved to have the revision if the results are too obviously undesirable since revision surgery is more complex and expensive than the initial surgery.
➤ When is the best time to perform Eye Revision Surgery?
It is recommended to perform Eye Revision Surgery after 6 months, when the tissue after the first surgery is stable. However, it may take 1 year or more depending on the situation. In addition, if there is inflammation, surgery must be performed after the inflammation subsides. This is because performing surgery after the scar redness disappears will reduce the possibility of Eye Revision Surgery again.
In order to prevent the failure of Eye Revision Surgery, plastic surgeons need to determine the cause of the failure, such as checking the margin of skin, the existing crease’s scar and adhesion, measuring the thickness of orbicularis oculi muscle and the strength of the muscle levator palpebrae superioris to determine the appropriate timing and method for the surgery.
It's suitable for people who have high and thick double eyelids due to swelling, or those who have loose eyelids and asymmetric double eyelids, or those who have low or thin double eyelids.
Sausage eyelids, which we commonly known as a side effect of blepharoplasty, refer to the eyes when the double eyelid line is raised too much or the skin is cut too much. For Eye Revision Surgery for sausage eyelids, if there is enough tissue, smaller double eyelids can be made while removing the existing crease; if the tissue is insufficient, a new incision needed to be made underneath after loosening the existing crease to make smaller double eyelids.
If the size or shape of the double eyelids is not symmetrical, different types of surgery must be performed according to whether there is blepharoptosis, the degree of eye drooping, and the height of the eyebrows. Therefore, it will inevitably be more difficult and you must choose the hospital carefully.
If this a problem you have been battling with for some time now, it may be the perfect time for you to consider this procedure. In South Korea you will receive the best price, particularly for the quality that will be given. If you are ready, contact us to begin your journey towards a happier you that can smile freely and comfortably.
If you want a successful Eye Revision Surgery, how about a detailed consultation at Jayjun?
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