How to get rid of double eyelids' swelling
and Management after Double Eyelid Surgery
Double eyelid surgery is one the most easily encountered surgery for those who want to change their appearance and image. Because the eye is the part that affects the first impression the most, those who want bigger and clearer eyes are considering double eyelid surgery. How to get rid of the swelling after double eyelid surgery should be their most curious thing. For example, is there people whose swelling has subsided immediately after the surgery, while the others failed to get rid of the swelling even after a long period of time? One of the most important things that decides this is the ‘Management after Double Eyelid Surgery’. If it is not done properly, recovery will take longer, resulting in uncomfortable daily life and unsatisfactory results. So, JayJun will explain in detail how to remove double eyelids' swelling and the postoperative management.
Post-Double Eyelid Surgery care :
1. Cold compress
In the case of double eyelid surgery, the most severe and uncomfortable stage of bruising or swelling lasts for 2-3 days after surgery. Consistent cold compresses during this period will help eliminate swelling quickly. If the swelling is still severe even after 2-4 weeks, please visit the hospital and consult with a specialist for quicker recovery.
2. Warm compress
Cold compresses do not need to be applied after 3 days after surgery and warm compresses can help remove bruising but worsen the swelling or conjunctival edema. Therefore, it is recommended to use cold and hot compresses at the same time from 3 days after the surgery. If the bruise still remains after 2 weeks after surgery, applying a slightly hot warm compress for about 30 minutes will help reduce bruising around the eyes. If you want to get rid of bruises more quickly, one of the best ways is to apply products such as ointments or creams together after consulting with specialist.
3. Do not irritate the surgical site
It is important to avoid unnecessary irritation to the surgical site and to avoid crying, opening your eyes wide, closing your eyes tightly, or rubbing the surgical site. Also, be careful not to press the surgical site when sleeping. In the lying position, sleeping with your upper body about 30 degrees high helps reduce swelling.
4. Do not go to sauna
It is recommended to prohibit saunas, etc. within one month after eye surgery. In addition, you should avoid sports that go into the water, such as swimming, and avoid sweating during exercises.
5. Take a short walk
You should avoid vigorous exercises but it's also not good to stay still. A short walk for 30 minutes a day will help reduce swelling quickly.
In addition, it is recommended not to wear contact lenses for 2 to 4 weeks after surgery, and smoking and drinking should be avoided as much as possible. You may think that one drink and one cigarette should be fine, but such thoughts can lead to unsatisfactory results from plastic surgery. Secondhand smoke can also have adverse effects so be careful and abstain from it. If you smoke or drink, your blood vessels will become narrower, which can lead to inflammation. Therefore, it is recommended that you refrain from drinking and smoking after double eyelid surgery. Conjunctival injection, edema, a lot of eye boogers and blurry vision may occur 2-3 days after the surgery, but these symptoms will recover completely within a few days. There is no needed to worry.
The most noticeable period of all plastic surgery wound healing is between 2 and 6 weeks after surgery. Sometimes there will be severe scar reaction and the scar can look bumpy. However, after 3-4 months or more, it will subside by itself and resemble the surrounding skin color and disappears a lot, so don't worry. About 6 months to 1 year after the double eyelid surgery, the eyes will look natural and look like your original eyes. If the scar reaction of the surgery is severe, it is recommended to visit the hospital and receive constant management between 2 and 4 weeks after surgery.
"Click the banner below to check the process of swelling
after double eyelid surgery through the Jayjun’s website."
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