Facelift Surgery Find your hidden V-line(#facelift #FaceliftSurgery #vline )

"Facelift Surgery Find your hidden V-line"

Because the V-line face makes their whole image look stylish and youthful, 
many women are looking for a variety of lifting
 procedures and surgeries to have V-line faces.

With aging and muscle increase,
 a square face appears.
If you have a habit of eating solid food, 
tough food, or gnashing your teeth, 
your jaw will become thicker and your jaw line will get square.
In the case of square jaws caused by aging 
or muscle increase, it can be corrected in various ways.

Once your jawline gets square, 
you can't go back to your old slim face 
because your masseter increases.
The skin sags and piles up on the chin due to developed masseter
 and wrinkles that appear due to aging. 
Not only will the face become more square 
but it will look bigger.So when the jaw becomes square, 
it is necessary for patients to have a lifting surgery according to the age 
and the degree of the square jaw.
In this article, Venus laser, also known as V-line lifting, 
will be introduced which can correct square jaw.

V-line lifting Venus Laser

V-line lifting can be performed on bumpy cheekbones, 
double chins, drooping cheeks, and thick jawlines.

Venus laser equipment uses 
a thin optical fiber specially approved 
by the Korea Food and Drug Administration, 
with 1470nm wavelengths, 
which are effective in removing fat, 
directly investigate the subcutaneous fat layer and remove only fat cells, 
so the procedure is safe and less tissue damage.

V-line lifting is an operation that uses two 
wavelengths of laser to remove fat, 
while heating the skin underneath to create a tight fit. 
It removes sagging skin and facial fat, 
and provides a long-lasting lifting effect due to increased elasticity.

The V-line lifting needs no incision and 
leaves no scar, its surgery time is short, 
can cause less swelling or bruising, 
and can quickly restore skin elasticity. 
980nm wavelength can stimulate the dermis of the skin, 
promote collagen and elastin production, showing a sustained lifting effect.

The V-line lifting has the advantage
 of directly altering the aging tissue and excess fats, 
and its effect can be maintained for a long time just one time.

The V-line lifting can increase the overall elasticity of the skin, 
and has a short operative time, 
cause less swelling or bruising and recover quickly.

There are many people who get a V-line lifting because of its low price.
To confirm whether the hospital is right for you, 
whether the medical team is experienced and 
whether the procedure can be performed safely is more important 
than the cost of a V-line lifting.

Jayjun Plastic Surgery, 
a place where is good at V-line lifting,
 is conducting surgery to ensure that medical team with
 a strong understanding of the anatomical structure 
of the face can change patients' face lines safely
 and beautifully based on years of clinical experience and know-how.

Jayjun's philosophy is not to seduce patients at low cost, 
but to set reasonable V-line lifting 
costs with the right surgical method. 
Plastic surgeons should have the right values 
and a beautiful and balanced perspective.

You can check the photos before and after 
V-line lifting if you go to the JayJun Plastic Surgery’s website. 
Please click on the picture below.

"Is it possible for skin to sag after a
10kg-weight loss in a month?"

The counseling director of Jayjun Plastic Surgery’s plastic Vlog episode 1 ((#facelift #FaceliftSurgery  #thelowereyelidsurgery)
Please watch the real plastic surgery Vlog of Jayjun family- the director of counseling who really loves Jayjun Plastic Surgery.

An advertisement of Jayjun Plastic Surgery
& Dermatology is contained in this posting 

Depending on the individuals,  
plastic surgery may cause side effects such as inflammation, 
bleeding, nerve damage, etc., so please be careful.


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