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Customized Methods for Sagging Face Lift Are Effective

 C ustomized Methods for Sagging Face Lifting Are Effective! Everyone ages over time. Skin aging typically begins in the late 20s to early 30s but progresses differently for each individual due to various factors, weakening and loosening the tissue within the skin, leading to decreased skin elasticity, which most prominently manifests as sagging and wrinkles. The decrease in skin elasticity, resulting in a sagging face and wrinkles, can alter one's expression to appear more unpleasant or older than their actual age, which is a concern for many. With the increasing social demand for a youthful appearance, interest in face lifting for anti-aging or improvement purposes has been rising, from relatively young ages to the senior demographic, aiming to look younger than their peers. F acial aging manifests differently in each area. Normally, the area from the forehead to the glabella is called the upper facial area, the glabella to the philtrum is the mid-facial area, and the philtrum to...

Male Blepharoplasty for a Natural and Unaffected Look

 Male Blepharoplasty for a Natural and Unaffected Look! In modern society, appearance has become another aspect of one's credentials. As the era where the first impression of a person is considered another competitive edge arrives, many are contemplating eyelid surgery to improve the size, shape, or overall appearance of the eyes, which significantly influences one's impression. Since the shape of the eyelids or the overall image can increase likability or trustworthiness, interest in eyelid surgery continues not only among women but also among men. The eyelid lines that men and women desire differ. There is a slight difference in what men and women need from eyelid surgery. Women often want eyelid surgery to achieve clear and slightly glamorous in-out lines or semi-out lines. On the other hand, men tend to prefer Male Blepharoplasty that results in natural and unaffected looks without visible double eyelid lines, such as monolids or hidden double eyelids. Many men prefer a nat...

Achieving a Youthful Effect with Minimally Invasive MiniFacelift!

 Achieving a Youthful Effect with Minimally Invasive Mini-Facelift! As we age, skin aging might be a concern for everyone, I guess. Typically, from the 30s onwards, skin elasticity gradually decreases, and facial sagging becomes more noticeable compared to the 20s. Aging reduces skin's regenerative capacity, leading to a collapsing jawline, sagging cheeks, and deep wrinkles, which can make one look older, reduce confidence, and become a complex. Consequently, with the rising interest in looking younger than one's age, skin care and elasticity have become hot topics, leading to an increase in people of all ages and genders seeking various treatments and surgeries to improve aging skin. Depending on the degree of facial sagging, those with lesser sagging can also be managed with radiofrequency, laser, fillers, and Botox. However, if such non-invasive treatments do not improve the sagging, surgical methods like thread lifting or facelift can be effective for anti-aging. If one wis...

The Difference Between Upper and Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty

 The Difference Between Upper and Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty! As people age, everyone experiences the effects of aging, esulting in skin that stretches and sags, leading to facial changes. This aging process is particularly noticeable around the eyes, where the skin is thinner and has fewer sebaceous glands compared to other areas. While aging is a universal sign of the passage of time, many are concerned that the loss of elasticity and moisture in the skin around the eyes can lead to wrinkles or sagging, making one look older or, at times, appear tired. Not only does the sagging of eyelids and the increase in under-eye fat accentuate the appearance of aging, but it also leads to functional issues such as narrowed vision due to the skin folding over the eyelid and chafing where the skin of the eye corners meet. Therefore, recently, more people are considering Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty and Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty not only for cosmetic purposes but also to improve functional a...

The Main Culprit of Aging, Boost Your Youthful Appearance with a Midface Lift!

The Main Culprit of Aging,  Boost Your Youthful Appearance with a Midface Lift! The main culprit of looking older, if you want to solve under-eye sagging and nasolabial folds at once! As you age, the midface, which occupies the largest area of the face, might be the most noticeable part where signs of aging are visible. In our faces, the midface extends from below the eyes to the tip of the nose, and the decrease in skin elasticity along with increasing wrinkles in this area can make one look older, grumpy, or even depressed, contributing to a negative impression. An effective lifting method to solve these issues can be said to be the midfacelift. So today, we will take a closer look at the midfacelift surgery method and who it is suitable for. What is the midface? Our face is divided into the upper, mid, and lower facial areas, with the area around the eyes and forehead being the upper face, the area between the under-eye and cheekbones including the philtrum being the midface, an...

3 Types of Facial Contour Surgery [Square Jaw, zygoma reduction,Chin Tip Surgery]

3 Types of Facial Contour Surgery   [Jayjun Plastic Surgery] The shape of our face is one of the key factors that determine our first impression and image. People with egg-shaped faces and a V-line often appear gentle and sophisticated, while those with angular or uneven facial contours may seem stern or angry, leading to complexes.  Recently, as appearance has become an important competitive factor, many people with angular or uneven facial shapes are turning to the three types of facial contour surgery to change their contour lines and achieve a positive and appealing impression, overcoming their complexes. What is facial contour surgery? Facial contour surgery is a method of removing unnecessary parts of the face to create a harmonious and balanced facial shape. It is commonly referred to as the three types of facial contour surgery. The three types of facial contour surgery typically involve adjusting the bones of the square jaw, protruding cheekbones, and wide chin t...

Finding the Right Double Eyelid fold Type for Your Needs | Jayjun Plastic Surgery in Korea

 Finding the Right Double Eyelid Double Eyelid fold Type for Your Needs What are the types of double eyelid fold? The size, shape, and presence of double eyelids significantly influence the overall impression a person makes. Therefore, small and cramped eyes can be a complex for many, making it hard to feel amiable upon first meeting. Hence, the interest in double eyelid surgery, commonly known as "double fold surgery," has been steadily increasing to improve the image. Recently, there's been a growing interest in double eyelid fold, especially among the younger generation. Today, we will explore the different types of double eyelid lines. Types of Double Eyelid fold Double eyelid fold are usually categorized based on where the crease begins, relative to the inner corner of the eye. They are primarily divided into types: in-fold, out-fold, in-out-fold, and semi-out-fold. Natural Infold The Infold style begins with part of the Mongolian fold near the eye being covered, sta...