
Non-incisional Ulthera Lifting that rejuvenate skin age(#Ultheralifting #Ulteraliftingeffect #Antiaging)

  Non-incisional Ulthera Lifting that rejuvenate skin age All women prefer to look younger than their actual age. As more and more people care about skin care, their interest in anti-aging is increasing too. Because aging is mainly affected by the elasticity or wrinkles of the skin, people tend to use mask pack, functional cosmetics, and receive treatment at skin care shop to improve skin aging. However, it’s difficult to solve the problem fundamentally through such managements. As the sun gets stronger in summer, skin aging progresses rapidly due to the UV rays. In order to improve sagging skin and wrinkles, Jayjun’s Anti-aging Ulthera Lifting is recommended. Jayjun’s Ulthera Lifting can help you obtain a smoother and tighter skin without any surgery. It is performed according to your skin type without any incision while diagnosing the deep layer of your skin with an imaging device. By lifting up the unpleasant wrinkles and sagging skin, your face will look younger after having Ulther

Jayjun Thermage Lifting Effect to Improve Elasticity and Wrinkles at Once(#Thermage #ThermageSkinTightening)

  Jayjun Thermage Lifting Effect to Improve Elasticity and Wrinkles at Once As people get older, the elasticity of their skin decreases and wrinkles occur, so many of them are looking for anti-aging surgery. Comparing to have surgery after the decrease of elasticity and wrinkles occurrence, the best way is to avoid aging in advance and keep the youngness of your face while you are still young.  Lack of skin elasticity and wrinkles occurrence are not limited to the face, but also affect the skin of the entire body, from the neck to the arms, legs and belly etc. As the weather gets warmer nowadays, the sunshine in Spring is stronger than that in Winter, so skin aging progresses more rapidly because of the UV rays. In this case, you can consider a lifting procedure that can fundamentally improve skin elasticity and wrinkles. This article is going to introduce Jayjun Thermage Lifting which improve sagging skin, wrinkles, and prevent aging, what many people are worried about. What is Therma

Timing for Revision Rhinoplasty (#Revisionrhinoplasty #rhinoplasty)

Timing for Revision Rhinoplasty If there is a saying of “eyes are windows to the soul” which indicate the importance of the eyes, then nose that locates at the center of the face is also important cause it affects the overall image of a person. Since the change in nose gives a lot of influence to the overall image, more and more people are looking for a harmonious face through rhinoplasty. However, since blepharoplasty and rhinoplasty have a high probability of reoperation, it’s better to select carefully after confirming the surgeon’s skills and know-how rather than considering the price only. If you are thinking of a Revision Rhinoplasty, it is advisable to find a hospital where understands your current condition and carefully considers the aesthetic and functional parts of your nose through consultation. What is Revision Rhinoplasty? Revision Rhinoplasty is performed when the nose is functionally or aesthetically unsatisfactory after the first surgery. Because there are various case

Perfect nose when viewed from any angle(#malerhinoplasty #MaleNoseSurgery)

Perfect nose when viewed from any angle! Nowadays, appearance management has become a kind of self-management, and nose is the part that can best show one man’s attractiveness. Comparing to women, more menhave the problem of flat nose, aquiline nose or crooked nose and therefore they are thinking of male rhinoplasty to improve their nose. Male rhinoplasty does not only improve external problems, but also functional problems to increase post-surgery satisfactions. Men tend to prefer a high and straight nose bridge that give a masculine image. Therefore, if people whose nose bridge is low or flat, or the tip of the nose is flat, round or angled upward, they will have high satisfactions after rhinoplasty because the improvement effect of rhinoplasty is good. However, as people only consider the price of male rhinoplasty, many of them have to do reoperations. Therefore, like eye surgery, male rhinoplasty requires a lot of reoperation too. From the root of nose to the tip

Everything you need to know about Square Jaw Reduction Surgery(#SquareJawReduction #FacialContouringSurgery)

"Everything you need to know about Square Jaw Reduction Surgery" The face shape of a person is as important as pretty facial features. Overdeveloped cheekbones or square jaws give a strong or blunt impression;lantern jaw, short chin and protruding lip give an uncomfortable impression too. Therefore, many people consider having facial contour surgery to improve their impression. Since facial contour surgery is to change the shape of the face and bones, it is important to achieve proper harmony with the entire facial features such as the eyes, nose, and mouth. Therefore, this article is going to tell you about the types and surgical methods of JayJun’s Square Jaw Reduction Surgery. There are three Square Jaw Reduction Surgery Methods in JayJun Plastic Surgery& Aesthetic. Square jaw reduction Surgery for V-line, 3D Square Jaw Reduction Surgery and Post auricular Square Jaw Reduction Surgery. First, what is Square jaw reduction Surgery for V-line? 1) S

What is facial contouring surgery? (#facialbonecontouringsurgery #facialbonecontouring)

A ppearance is also a competitiveness. A person's image and impression can be changed just by changing the shape of face. For those who are worried about the cheek bone, the square jaw or the short chin, may suffer from complex and a decrease in self-confidence. If you think of the proportion of your facial features and are curious about facial contouring surgery, you will start look for relevant information and surgical methods through the Internet. Please aware that the surgery doesn’t simply just cut off the bones. If you are looking for a plastic surgery that can create a natural V-line face through a multi-dimensional approach that consider both the line, the proportions of faces and the facial features, JayJun is your best choice. ➤What is facial contouring surgery? The contour of a face is determined by the bones, which is the foundation, and the soft tissue that covers the bones (muscle, subcutaneous layer, and skin). ➤Main facial contouring surgeries a

The cost and recovery period of the #LowerEyelidSurgery(#Lowereyelidblepharoplasty)

The cost and recovery period  of the Lower Eyelid Surgery As we age, the area around the eyes becomes relatively thinner among the skin tissues on the face, resulting in weaker elasticity and occurrence of wrinkles. There are many people who want to improve the brightness and elasticity of their faces because if wrinkles increase, people can look gloomy when they take photos and a few external changes can lower their confidence. Wrinkles and drooping eyelids do not only have a bad effect on judging a person's first impression, but also cause visual discomfort in daily life. Therefore, more and more people are looking for plastic surgery to make improvements. The lower eyelid surgery is a suitable surgical method for those whose lower eyelids look shaded or bulging and look older than their age due to wrinkles under their eyes. For dark circles, the common concern for women is that, it can't be covered well by makeup, and for men, it creates shades on their fa